

Bronze celt

18 Mar 2023

I found this part of a celt in the area where I live. It is the oldest metal I ever found. The local museum says it is from young bronze age 800 - 500 bfc. I live in the countryside, and our nearest naboigh is a concentration of 11 beautiful burial mounds. There use to be around 24, but farming through time has created a new and more flat landscape. I guess they didn’t had a lot of metal in the bronze age, because It’s very rarely people find anything that old here. And also the vikings , which had a lot of activities around in Denmark, seems to have avoided this particular part of the country. BUT then I finally had my lucky day! In a lower part of a field, probably an earlier bog, I got this signal on my Nox, flipping around 12 to 30, witch often means “iron”, but when I get that kind of signal, I press the “horseshoe” button just to be sure. But this time there where no deep minus signal!! …So I dug and 20 cm down, this beautiful pice of bronze showed up! …Man, I often envy the people from the western part of Denmark, who post a lot of viking founds on Facebook…. but this celt is at least 1000 years older than the vikings!! If you look at the fotos, I didn’t clean the celt at all. One reason is, as you probably know, that there could be parts of the original wood inside the celt. And that can give important information to the archaeologists.

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