

Beauty and the beast

11 May 2023

So I have always been a Minelab fan for 12 years now having owned 6 previous Minelab machines over this time. I love the raw power from the Minelab detectors as they give a confidence that if you walk over it then you will find it. After using the Equinox 800 for 4 years and doing very well with it, but that said I was fortunate enough to get hold of a Manticore, now I had read the hype about the extra power and the super quick circuitry but it took me by surprise in all honesty, I just wasn't expecting it to perform so well. I was using the all terrain general preset and found that the Manticore is no different than taking a new puppy for a walk it just wants to sniff out everything! After an intial 3 hour session on the way home from work I had found plenty of targets but nothing special, some the signals were being masked by iron but with the 2D mapping I thought I would give them a dig and the majority turned out to be non ferrous so the right choice. I decided that this Evening I would give it another try again on the all terrain general preset and on arriving at the field I let the puppy off the lead, that said I only managed to dig 3 signals before the heavens opened with torrential rain so I decided to wrap up the headphones and call it a day, my 3rd signal however happened to be this beautiful Celtic Coin, it's from the Atrebates tribe and is known as a Verica thunderbolt fili type gold quarter stater, it dates to around 40 AD , I was unable to check the surrounding area due to the heavy rain so I shall be back tomorrow after what is going to be a very long night and day at work!! The picture shows the beauty and the beast. Awesome job Minelab.

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