

Anillo militar

16 Jun 2017
Find of
the Month

Como todos los domingos mi amigo Frank y yo salimos a detectar, buscando un lugar nuevo para intentar logros nuevos. Paseamos la antigua Zona del Canal, primero entramos a Fort Clayton dónde no nos permitieron detectar. Luego pasamos a un área residencial llamada Paraíso, pero tampoco tuvimos suerte y decidimos ir a otro residencial llamado DIABLO. Allí pedimos permiso a los residentes para entrar a un pequeño parque en desuso y fue excelente!!!

Mi amigo usaba un GO-FIND 20 y yo usé mi Safari, sólo demoré unos 10 minutos cuando tuve un fuerte sonido, el Safari marcaba 37-38 y para mi sorpresa salió un bello anillo de plata .900, con detalles militares (el área era residencia militar del Comando Sur de USA) y supuse que pertenecía a un soldado que jugando lo perdió.

Adoro mi Safari y no lo cambiaría por nada, este hallazgo para mi significa el más importante por ser historia militar estadounidense en mi país. #Minelabfind


Like every Sunday my friend Frank and I went out to detect, looking for a new place to try new finds. We walked the old Canal Zone, first entered Fort Clayton where we were not allowed to detect. Then we went to a residential area called Paradise, but we were not lucky either and decided to go to another residential area called DIABLO. There we asked the residents for permission to enter a small park in disuse and it was excellent !!!

My friend used a GO-FIND 20 and I used my Safari. It only took about 10 minutes when I had a loud sound, the Safari marked 37-38 and to my surprise came a beautiful .900 silver ring with military details (the area was Military relay of the Southern Command of USA) and I supposed that it belonged to a soldier that playing lost it. I love my Safari and I would not change it for anything, this finding for me means the most important because it is American military history in my country. #Minelabfind

Angelo – Panama.

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