

A Nice Little Find

02 Aug 2020

Just recently purchased my Equinox 800 & 2 weeks into it, I was thrilled to unearth this nice little find albeit the earth being the beach. It had just reached low tide & I was detecting pretty close to the water’s edge. Nek minnit the Nox picked up a solid deep signal at a constant 15, so I estimated a good 8 inches & began to dig. I reached that level with nothing to show but still getting a strong signal, 12 inches down I spot a gold edge. Me thinking it was a dollar coin, which I find quite often (Pity they have the same signature as bottle caps in Australia) but you little beauty, it was a men's 9ct ring with a diamond inlay. I'm absolutely thrilled to bits & the Equinox 800 is starting to pay for itself, what an awesome machine with solid depth punching power, sensitivity, as well as all the bells & whistles included for such an exceptional price. Can't wait to hit the Gold fields of Queensland & test out the Gold1 & Gold2 mode for a bit of fun, see if I can find some little nugs of love. Def putting the 6inch coil on my wish list!! Well Done Minelab for the ongoing upgrades & the first class support that is given when needed.

Gregory - Australia & NZ

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