

7 Big Silvers ++++++

30 Jan 2018

Ok, I will try and make this short but I am SUPER PUMPED about my hunt today. I got a new permission I was very excited about since it border property I had found several silvers and IHP on. Started out there and was not getting any good targets at all. I ended up finding 7 cents in clad. Thought well, I have another new permission lets go try our luck there. Started out sloooow, clad quarters and dimes, I am getting kinda dejected. FINALLY hit the two wheat pennies. Kinda perked me up, found some more clad. The owner comes out and starts telling me about an old foundation and where the storm cellar used to be. So we walk around back and I start detecting inside what is now a dog pen, with a foundation all around it. I had not walked 5 steps and the 3030 SCREAMS at me a 1/44, top right image, hmm. 6" . I dig down and out pops a beautiful Franklin half. WAHOOOOOOO !!!! My day IS SUCCESSFUL ! I dont even take a step and another screemin 1/44, 6". hmm I dig down and out pops ANOTHER FRANKLIN HALF. WAHOOOOO!!!! I have never even found one of these coins and now I HAVE TWO !!!! WAHOOOO!!!!! I dont even take a step, (Swingin in all directions now) I get a 12/47, top right image, 8". hmm, I dig down and out pops my 3rd Franklin half. About that time the owner walks out and Im about to have a coronary. I said your not going to believe this but check out these half dollars. Well, then hes excited. He said I will take them in and clean them up for you so hes gone in a flash. I am shocked at this point. I walk about 10 feet, get another screaming 1/44, 6", WHAT, really, I dig down and A WALKING LIBERTY HALF< WHAT. Ive never found one of these either. I start looking around, make sure this is really happening or I have died and went to metal detecting heaven. YAHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!Im having difficulty breathing now. I stand up and swing a different direction and get a 1/43, 4 inches. pops my 2nd Walking Liberty half. About that time owner AND his wife come out with the first 3 halfs I found, all cleaned up, (These folks are very old friends of mine). They are smiling, im smiling, I said check this out, showed them the Walking halfs. Off they go to clean them up. Its starting to get dark. I walk a few steps and get the 3rd Walking half. Get up and swing over my plug and BOOM, same signal 1/44, about 3 inches from last plug is ANOTHER WALKING HALF. This is unbelievable. I am thinking to myself I am glad the owners are seeing all this as it happens, nobody is going to believe this. By this time they have came back out with my cleaned up coins. I said I HAVE TO COME BACK tomorrow, this has been the best hunt I have ever had. SO, they agreed and I start walking out, 3030 rattlin over all the nails and junk and BOOM, I get a 12/43 about 6", dug a ROSIE dime, wow, i mean really wow. I get up and check my plug, SAME SIGNAL about a foot away. ANOTHER ROSIE !!!! (9) SILVER DAY, MY PERSONAL BEST EVER !!!!!! And (7) of them are HALF DOLLARS. So, HOPEFULLY, I will be able to share some more SILVER coins tomorrow. STAY TUNED !!!!!!!!!!!!! DID I MENTION 9 Silver Day !!!! WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! I have never submitted a story to Minelab so this is a first. I own and operate Antiques Detectors and am a dealer for Minelab, (and all the major brands). That being said, I could use any machine I want (and have). Once I picked up the CTX3030 that was it, I have never used my Deus, Garrett, V3i since. This particular site I found these silver halfs out is EXTREMELY TRASHY. You can hardly use a pin pointer when you dig a plug because there are so many nails, metal , junk that the pin pointer goes crazy, beep beep beep beep, etc... EVERY Hole. I firmly believe that because of the target trace feature AND the pinpoint sizing feature is the only reason I was able to locate all these coins. I found them all within a 20 foot area. Cuto's to Minelab on the finest hobby machine on the market. I never take any other machine because I always wonder what I am missing. This was a hunt of a lifetime and I HAD TO SHARE with you.

Jerry - Kansas, USA

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