

17th/18th century silver seal matrix of an enslaved man.

14 Oct 2022

I found this rare 17th/18th century silver seal matrix this week whilst metal detecting. Seals are used for impressing wax onto a letter. A type of signature at the time and prevent tampering of the document. The portrait is of a man enslaved from the terrible slave trade which Lancaster, Lancashire, England was a part of. Farmland just north of Lancaster. You can see an iron collar around his neck and shoulder shackles. Awful cruelty. I have been in contact with Lancaster Museum. Ironically they have a slavery family trees exhibition which starts tomorrow. Myself and landowner have loaned the seal to be part of this exhibition. There is a lot more research needed on the seal. The museum are delighted with its discovery and it was found just at the right time. I am so pleased that something I have found will be on display for all to see. I can’t wait to see the exhibition myself.

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