

1600s silver in the states

06 Oct 2019

I scored a fantastic permission at one of the oldest houses I've ever seen because I worked on their pool. I can't give away any details but let's just say it was built mid-1600s. The first day the only two old coins I got were King George I and KG II. I had this feeling in my gut that there had to be Spanish silver somewhere. I returned the next week, things were slow at first. I got a fully intact skeleton key and a complete shoe buckle. I was there for 6 hours and was starting to give up until I pulled another old copper out but unfortunately all the details were gone. I was making my way back to the car and got a solid 15-16 signal on the equinox 600 Park 1 mode. I was thinking it could be a button and this property is so old you just have to dig every signal. It flipped out and I saw the size and thinness and thought "Well just another pull tab." I picked it up and the dirt fell off to REVEAL A CROSS and instantly I knew what I had in my hand! I am still speechless my first ever Spanish silver!! I believe to be King Charles II according to my 10 minutes of research. I could be wrong. Minelab is the BEST!

Jacob – Connecticut , USA

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