

Minelab Worldwide Partner Conference 2015

13 Mar 2015

Minelab recently held our 5th Annual Partner Conference, which was also our 1st Annual Global Partner Conference, in New Orleans from the 5th– 8th of February. This was the first year that the conference was opened to all dealers from across the world with people attending from Australia, United Kingdom, Austria, Norway, Russia, Spain, Venezuela and more. There was even a competition to see who had the longest journey to arrive in New Orleans with the winning dealer travelling more than 30 hours to attend the conference.  We continue to be humbled and impressed with the show of commitment that our dealers make to attend these learning events!

The three days were a great success with everyone in attendance getting to meet and mingle with other dealers from around the world and discuss all aspects of their businesses. We had two great workshops at which we announced our new GO-FIND and GPZ 7000 series of detectors. These certainly were a highlight for everyone.

On the Saturday night at the annual Minelab Partner awards dinner, we presented a series of awards to our global partners covering a number of categories.

Minelab Partner Conference 2015 awards and the winners –  

Sales Excellence Award (FY 2014 Sales results):

Goes to any partner organization that has achieved minimum, specified sales volumes.

Rhodium Award (In Alpha Order):

  • Depar - Africa Joan Allen Electronics Kellyco - USA
  • Miners Den - Australia
  • Outdoor Outfitters - USA
  • Reeds Prospecting – Australia
  • The Reicom Group – Russia
  • RIF Detectors – Russia
  • Safari/ML Russia - Russia             

Platinum Award (In Alpha Order):

  • Coiltek Gold Center - Australia
  • Finders Keepers - Australia        
  • IDS - France
  • Radioworld – Canada
  • Viking - Poland 

Business Growth Award:

Goes to the partner that has greatly grown their business (sales) through organic investment in the business plan with expansion in their personnel, product and consumer base.

Growth Partners of the year:

  • Anaconda Group Pty Ltd - Australia
  • Lovec Pokladu (Marek Mlejnsky) - Czech Republic

Customer Care Champion:

This award goes to the partner that has shown incredible passion and focus on serving our mutual end-customers. This partner will often perform an extra training session or outing to ensure that customers understand the products and the techniques required for success. This partner is upfront with the customer and recommends products based on their needs, not necessarily the largest sale.

Winner: Finders Keepers– Australia

Minelab Pioneer Award:

This award rewards creativity, invention and entrepreneurship. The Minelab Pioneer has taken initiative to suggest, communicate and champion a new idea, policy, product or other initiatives that has resulted in improving Minelab’s position in the industry from a sales, service or corporate perspective. The Minelab Pioneer is willing to take a risk to follow an idea to implementation and execute a good plan against whatever odds they may face.


  • Lovec Pokladu – Czech Republic
  • KellyCo Metal Detectors - USA

New Partner of the Year Award:

Goes to the partner organization that has been part of the Minelab family for fewer than 18 months and who have distinguished themselves by introducing new and exciting marketing opportunities, growing in sales, displaying leadership in product and industry knowledge, and excelling in great customer service.


  • The Reicom Group – Russia
  • Metal Detecting Stuff – USA

Partner of the Year Award:

Goes to the dealer by business unit and region who have distinguished themselves by growing in sales, displaying leadership in product knowledge and excelling in great customer service.

  • Partner of the Year – Consumer Business – EMEA  - Joan Allen, UK
  • Partner of the Year – Consumer Business – Americas - Outdoor Outfitters
  • Partner of the Year – Consumer Business – Australia/NZ - Prospectors Pick

Eagle Award:

The Eagle Award goes to the partner that has exemplified leadership in every aspect of our business, from service to sales to technology to business feedback. The Eagle award is the highest award Minelab bestows upon a channel organization..

Winner: The Minelab Eagle – Jeff Wright,  Reed’s Prospecting Supplies, Australia


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