

Minelab Professional Improvement Scholarship

11 Mar 2014

From the first offering of Advanced Metal Detecting for the Archaeologist, Minelab Americas has volunteered personnel and trial detectors to assist in the teaching of best practices to professional archaeologists.  Minelab is pleased to announce that starting with the October 2014 offering of the AMDA class, they will provide Minelab Professional Improvement Scholarships to up to five college students (undergraduate or graduate).  Minelab recognizes that a general lack of funds may be keeping college students from attending AMDA, and the scholarships will cover the tuition costs for the AMDA class. 

Starting with the October 2014 class, AMDA will include information on the Minelab Professional Improvement Scholarship in its class advertisements.  Students will be instructed to apply for the Minelab Professional Improvement Scholarship by submitting a statement of not more than 1,500 words, which defines why learning best practices in the application of metal detecting will be important to their proposed research.  The entries will be judged by two or more of the AMDA instructors, and the winners will be announced by the AMDA and Minelab.

Entries close on May 1, 2014 and winners will be announced by June 1, 2014.  Please send your 1500-word statement and contact information via email to

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