

See fantastic Minelab finds from our users or share your very own Minelab Success Story. We'd love to hear what people are discovering with their Minelab Detectors.

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21 Jul 2024

1st Gold Coin

On 16th July 24 I went to one of my permissions, it was a showery but warm Took the X-Terra Elite with the stock coil that I purchased as a carry anywhere Detector, I also have the Nox700 and a Manticore & ...
02 Jul 2024

Now thats a storm!

Last week we'd a good storm, I first found a Pirate Knife, its old, sterling silver with an ivory handle. Its sharp but almost pristine! I waited for the tides to change and went back out and found this & ...
26 Apr 2024

Find of a Lifetime

I found this bronze age torc unfortunately it's in 2 parts but still complete.

I'm over the moon can't wait to take the 800 to the Scottish Gold Fields. 

12 Apr 2024

Rare Viking Artefact Found

The Viking period in Britain has always interested me and to find something Anglo-Scandinavian has been high on my finds bucket list. Living in North Wales, I didn’t expect to find anything like that. However, whilst detecting a & ...

See fantastic Minelab finds from our users or share your very own Minelab Success Story.

We would love to hear about the discoveries people are making with their Minelab Detectors. Submitting your story will give us the opportunity to learn more about the exciting finds you've made.

11 Apr 2024

8 inch coil success

I used my new 8 inch coil over a sight I have hunted over 50 times and found these two coins.

01 Apr 2024

The unthinkable

A recent front blew in and I decided to hit up a local beach that has produced for me in the past. Knowing that under the correct conditions, sand and gravel will get pulled away, revealing the good stuff buried & ...
14 Mar 2024

A Yank in King Henry VIII Court

In February 2024, I ventured over to Nottingham, England on business for my company John Deere, little did I know that the trip would eventually become a once in a lifetime experience. A few months prior to my trip, I found & ...
20 Feb 2024

Double silver Sunday

Buzzing my favourite coin on them all George the 3rd silver shilling think it’s my 7th bull head I’ve found now #bullhead #Themadking just moments after finding a lizzy 1st six pence silver hammered coin. What & ...
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