

Stef Tanguay



While Stef has always been fascinated by history, it wasn't until she tripped across a few YouTube channels dedicated to the hobby that she decided to buy a metal detector and dig up artifacts for herself. One of her first finds was an early colonial shoe buckle frame, and it is the find that she holds responsible for triggering her obsession to dig.    With an insatiable thirst to uncover long-lost 17th, 18th, and 19th-century relics, Stef takes to the woods, fields, and standing homesteads at every opportunity to uncover these artifacts in an attempt to piece together America's beginnings. As a rule of thumb, her favorite relics to dig are those that would have been sorely missed and searched for by their owner hundreds of years ago. A few of her favorite finds include a pocket spill of Spanish silver reales, 17th century Native American trade kettle points, and a George Washington inaugural button. She believes that the keys to success for any detectorist are a curious mind and perseverance through the toughest digging conditions.


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